Technical FAQ

Technical FAQ

What is No-Sync problem?
If your modem is connected properly, but US (Send or Cable Link) is off, it means No-Sync 1. If you moved the modem, please connect the modem back. 2. Re...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:28 PM
How to change the WIFI password in cable wireless modem(DCW775)?
1. Connect your pc to the modem with Wireless or Wire 2. Type 3. Username: admin Password: cikvoip Login and click on wir...
Mon, 5 Feb, 2018 at 3:14 PM
Modem lights pattern
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:40 PM
How to Set Up Wi-Fi ?
If you are using Wi-Fi modem/router from CIK, the SSID would be CIKxxxx (4 digits), and default password is the MAC address of your modem.  Both SSID and p...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:44 PM
What technology is CIK home phone using?
CIK home phone is using (VoIP) Voice Over IP technology, i.e, voice is transmitted over Internet.
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:44 PM
What requirement do I need to use CIK home Phone?
CIK home phone service uses the internet to transmit the telephone signal to your home. To use our service, you need to have either high speed internet or a...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:46 PM
What requirement do I need to use CIK home Phone?
CIK home phone service uses the internet to transmit the telephone signal to your home. To use our service, you need to have either high speed internet or a...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:46 PM
What should I do if called people can not hear me?
Usually this is caused by your upload bandwidth is used up, to solve this issue, you might reconnect your network as Modem – Phone box Internet or WAN port,...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:47 PM
What should I do if I can not hear the called?
Usually this is caused by your router in front of phone box, to solve this issue, you might reconnect your network as Modem – Phone box Internet or WAN port...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:48 PM
What should I do if I can not make long distance call?
To make a long distance call, you need to dial 011 for international or 1 for North America.  If you dialed the right number properly and hear “the numb...
Sat, 11 Mar, 2017 at 9:49 PM